
When One Door Closes, I Take a Picture

Like I said the other day, I love doors {I did say that, right?}. Almost every trip I take, I always notice them. A bright colored one, a wooden one, ornately carved, in rough shape, whatever, they seem to constantly strike my crazy photo-taking fancy. And, because I happen to take a lot of pictures, and am a bit shy about it at times, I try to take them in a hurry, so no one will notice, which is something that I realized when I was going through these photographs the last few minutes. So, I've decided to put a note in my jar {yes I have a jar, it's like a journal to me} that the next time I'm taking pictures, I will be completely un-Audrey {made up word alert!} and be brave. I will take my time and not apologize for lagging behind the rest of the group. I will take a steady, crooked-free photograph that is hang-worthy. And then I shall post it, proudly, on this blog. So watch out, world, this girl's got a camera, and I'm not afraid to use it {okay, maybe I am a little afraid. But that's beside the point}.

With that extremely long paragraph, let's commence to the pictures, which is probably why you came!

There's a story behind this picture, like most photographs. Next time you see me, ask if you're curious.

England, 2012
Ireland, 2012
NYC, 2013

England, 2012

Ireland, 2012

England, 2012, cool side note, that in the background you can see the photo two photos above, and also my bro photobombed me.

England, 2012

Ireland, 2012

England, 2012

England, 2012

France, 2011
...hope you liked today's post! I have something new I'm going to try with my next post, so stay tuned! And have a great weekend! 



There is something amazingly whimsical to me about doorways and bicycles. I hope I'm not the only one with a slight obsession of photographing these things. There's just something about them that keeps attracting me to them, shot after shot. I especially love shooting them on vacation, as seen below....and I've even included photographic evidence that it wasn't just on my trip to the City. Today I'll show you my bicycles, later this week I shall show you my doorways (because, looking through my photos, I have a lot of those!).

Lesson 1: Bicycles

Here is my NYC bike photo:

And here's one I shot in England:

And this one I took on the islands..

Finally, this one's a bit different than the others (one of these things is not like the others), taken in France:

Hope you enjoyed today's post! Check back later this week if you'd like to open the Seven C's of doorways.


Some More Apples to Keep the Doctor Away

You might be tired of my NY trip, but I have a few more photos to share with you nonetheless. I want to go on another photo adventure, but my brain draws a blank when it comes to thinking of where and what to shoot. What do you think? I'm open to suggestions!


my trip to the big apple!!

ok. here it is! i hate the city because it scares me, but i love it because there's some kind of strange beauty in the sparkly lights and diversity of people and sights in it. Sorry if you love it all around and are disappointed with my lack of COMPLETE appreciation for NYC.

I did have a great time, though! It was so nice to see the sunsets from the rooftops, and to hang with my family. I love times with them!

Here's a few of my snaps from the place:


season 1 season finale & a preview of next season

hello readers!

sorry for not updating for too long!! here are the last few tulip pictures and some photographs of what my next season will be {i'll give you a hint, think gigantic keep the doctor away fruit}:

 drum roll, and menacing preview voice for this one: