
Comes in Handy {2}

I have a good pic of my grampy but I wanted to wait to post it. So I decided to bore you all with my hands. Originally, I thought I would use this one:
But, even though I liked it, and, have you ever tried to get a good shot of your own hand using manual focus? I can attest that it is definitely not the easiest subject I have photographed. But, as I said, there was a but. I remembered the fan on my facebook page suggested, "different ages, professions, etc." So even though I mainly use my hands to type away at a keyboard or click a mouse or write with a pen at my profession, I decided to take a photograph of my hands in action, not at my profession, but, at {you guessed it} my hobby.

I had to use a mirror for this one, but I do pretty much love the results, even though it is by far not the best of my photographs.


Comes in Handy~1~Grandma's Hands

I didn't think she was going to go for it. My mother must get not liking her picture taken from my grandmother, because Grandma hates having her picture taken, as well. I couldn't say I blame her. When I look back at candid shots, I think to myself, and I thought I looked good that day?

Somehow, I overcame my usual shyness when it comes to snapping photographs in public and asked her for a photograph of her hands. She told me no at first, but after a few polite asks she acquiesced. While I was snapping (a whole two pictures) she told me about how she used to be a nurse. I was filled with a new admiration of the woman, as I always am when she reminisces about her past. It makes me smile when she smiles, since I know those are rare commodities for her these days. She has been legally blind for the past few years. I can't imagine not being able to look through my camera's lens and see the colors of the world around me, to live in the darkness. I admire her for the ways she has learned to adapt to her loss of sight. I admire those who live without sight. They have a true talent and appreciation for the things we take for granted every day.


Dragons Fly?

   I know that Friday is my day to update the blog, but tomorrow is promising to be super busy, so you get to see this post a day early! Or, you could just ignore it for today and log on tomorrow and read it, that way you don't mess up your weekly routine...because I know this blog is part of your routine {wink of sarcasm}.

   The other day I took a break from working to slip out to the garden and take some shots of the soon-to-be-gone flowers. As I was snapping away at some black-eyed susans, I saw this little guy, and he behaved so well as I shot his pictures! Who knew he would become a famous dragonfly on this blog?


New Blog Feature...

Best of Instagram

{august edition}

   So I came up with a cool {i think} idea for my blog. Every beginning of the month, my first post for the month will be my favorite and your favorite posts from my instagram page from the previous month. 

   As you may {or may not} know, I love instagram. What young lady doesn't? But I'm going to spare you the duckfaces and bathroom selfies {although once in a great while i have posted a bathroom selfie}. 

   Here's what the post will include:

~My followers top three pictures from the prior month

followed by:

~My personal top three favorite pictures

   I hope you like the results!

Your Favorite 3:

1}this one beat out the others by a landslide. it is quite possibly the biggest rice crispie treat i have ever seen:

2} lakeside.

3} day at the beach...my favorite part of this one is the seagull photobomb. good job, seagull.

My Favorite 3:

1} the rebel...

2} my little pal: 

3} signs.